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About Us

Values & Ethos

We value each child for who they are and prepare them for who they can become.


We are proud of our school’s Christian values of

Care, Community and Courage

student reading work book

Our school’s Christian values of Care, Community and Courage

Care, Community, Courage diagram

‘Encourage one another and build each other up’.

(Thessalonians 5:11)

We live this verse through our values of Care, Community and Courage. Recognising everyone matters, we are all neighbours, we act with compassion and bravery. We are inquisitive of the world around us and reach for the best in ourselves and others. We are thankful for the love, guidance and inspiration we receive from our faith.


student in nursery playing

student in playground as pretend policeman

British Values

What is meant by British values?

Learning about British values forms a key part of children’s spiritual, moral, cultural and social education. The five British values that the Government has identified for schools to focus on are:

  • Democracy.
  • The rule of law.
  • Individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.
  • Developing personal and social responsibility.
  • Respect for British Institutions.
How should we help our children prepare for adult life as citizens of Britain?
  • Develop their self-confidence and self-esteem.
  • Develop their understanding of right and wrong, and their respect for the law.
  • Encourage them to take responsibility for their behaviour.
  • Encourage involvement in the community and wider society.
  • Encourage respect for the public services and institutions of Britain.
  • Promote tolerance of and respect for all cultures and faiths.
  • Encourage participation in the democratic process.
How does our school develop children’s understanding of British values?

We uphold the British value of Democracy by:

  • Facilitating a democratic process for electing school parliament members and the running of the parliament. Each week, every child gets to vote on our ‘Class Council Question’. We also have Sports Ambassadors and our Eco-council who have been democratically selected to serve the wider school.

                         Evidence: School Parliament, Eco-Ambassadors, Sports Ambassadors 

  • Teaching about the democratic process in Britain, at both a local and national level. We teach about communities and pressure groups, how children can participate in these and make changes to life at all levels from local to global.

                        Evidence: ‘Athens V Sparta’ theme – Y3.

  • Taking turns in class, at dinner time and in after school clubs.

                      Evidence: Behaviour Learning Walks.


We uphold the British value of the Rule of Law by:

  • Teaching children an understanding of human rights through our curriculum.

                       Evidence: Victorian Rights of a Child theme – Y6. 

  • Teaching children to learn about the process of law-making and the part that citizens can play in that process through our curriculum.

                      Evidence: Jigsaw topic - Being me in my World

  • Implementing our procedures and protocols for dealing with any behavioural or bullying issues and the very rare incidents of racial, homophobic and other forms of discrimination, which demonstrates to pupils that we take these issues very seriously, mirroring the attitudes of British society.

                       Evidence: Anti-Bullying and Behaviour Policies. Pupil voice. 


We uphold the British value of individual liberty and work to identify and combat discrimination by:

  • Teaching an understanding of the concept of freedom and choice through our curriculum.

                      Evidence: ‘The Boy at the Back of class' Year 3 class story.  

  • Teaching our RE curriculum, which inculcates values of understanding, tolerance and respect for others, including those of other faiths.

                     Evidence: The Nottinghamshire Syllabus for the teaching of RE: Religious Education for all.

  • Providing our extra-curricular provision, which offers equal opportunities for all children, boys and girls, and children with Special Educational Needs in sport and other areas.

                    Evidence: Extra Curricular overview.

  • Holding discussions in RE, English and other subjects, which allow children to develop respect for the opinions, values and beliefs of others.

                    Evidence: Learning Walks.


We uphold the British value of developing personal and social responsibility by:

  • Expecting children to take responsibility in every class for a variety of roles which assist in the running of the classroom.

                    Evidence: Learning Walks.

  • Encouraging children to have responsibility for their own possessions, behaviour and work, both at school and at home and to always do their personal best in all aspects of school life.

                   Evidence: Learning Walks

  • ‘Keeping Safe’ week in school where the children are taught about protective behaviours and ‘consent’. All content is shared with parents on the school website.

                   Evidence: Planning overviews/ Learning Walks.


We uphold the British value of respect for British Institutions by:

  • Celebrating many British festivals and special events, e.g. Remembrance Day, Christmas, Easter, World Book Day, Children in Need, Red-nose day etc.

                  Evidence: Diary Dates on the website/ newsletter

  • Regularly inviting representatives from various groups, such as Police, charities and the local church to visit our school and talk to the children in both lessons and Collective Worship.

                 Evidence: Revd. Louise delivers a Collective Worships often; Diary Dates

In all our provision, both academic and otherwise, we endeavour for our school community to develop an understanding of British values and a strong desire to uphold them both now and as future British citizens.


Equality in Teaching and Learning

We provide all our pupils with the opportunity to succeed and to reach the highest level of personal achievement. We do this by:

  • Ensuring equality of access for all pupils and preparing them for life in a diverse society
  • Using materials that reflect the diversity of the school, population and local community without stereotyping
  • Promoting attitudes and values that challenge any discriminatory behaviour or prejudice
  • Providing opportunities for pupils to appreciate their own culture and celebrate the diversity of other cultures
  • Seeking to involve all parents in supporting their child’s education
  • Utilising teaching approaches appropriate for the whole school population which are inclusive and reflective of our pupils.
Equality in Admissions and Exclusions

Our admissions arrangements are fair and transparent and do not discriminate on the grounds of race, gender, religion, belief, disability and/or socio-economic background.

Equal Opportunities for Staff

All staff appointments and promotions are made on the basis of merit and ability and in compliance with the law. We are keen to ensure that the staffing of the school reflects the diversity of our community.

The school has a full and separate Equality policy Please consult this for further details if you wish.