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About Us

Our Nursery

Welcome to Nursery

We are proud of aspiring children to stay safe and healthy and be the best they can be. Nurturing and educating our children in a safe and stimulating environment, which allows each child to learn inclusively and develop as unique individuals.

student wearing JCB hard hat on toy digger

two students on climbing wall

student watering plants

three students in reading corner



Our nursery is self-contained space in the school and consists of a spacious classroom and a large, enclosed garden offering a bright and stimulating environment to promote healthy learning and development with full access to all areas of the Early Years Foundation Stage learning framework.

We are proud that our nursery staff are trained teachers and Early Years experts ensuring that children make excellent academic, personal and social progress.  The curriculum is closely aligned with the rest of the school giving the children the best start and a seamless transition to the Foundation and Infant classes. 

Our nursery in-takes are September, January and April. Children can join our nursery the school term after their third birthday and attend either part or full time. 

We encourage you to visit and see the nursery and school for yourself, please contact the school office to arrange this at a convenient time. Our nursery admissions form can be found under the ‘Forms for Parents’ page on this website. Alternatively, you are welcome to pop into the office for a paper copy of the form. 

We will support you throughout the admission process, including gaining a 30-hour funding code from the Government if necessary. Prior to your child joining our nursery, we will offer a stay and play session and a parent information session, to ensure both you and your child are feeling positive about joining us.