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Religious Education

Our teaching of Religious Education follows the guidance given in the latest Agreed Syllabus for Nottingham City and Nottinghamshire and the Church of England's Understanding Christianity project. 

Religious Education Syllabus

Our intention is to provide a progressive, inclusive and sequential knowledge-rich curriculum that empowers children to grow in independence and confidence.  Religious Education has a significant role in the development of pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.  It promotes respect and open-mindedness towards the diversity of others with different faiths and beliefs.  Pupils are equipped with the knowledge and skills to aid their understanding of different beliefs and practices in our multicultural society.  

The principle aim of RE at Coddington CofE Primary and Nursery School is to develop the confidence of pupils to use an enquiry approach, asking and answering challenging questions.  We aim to enable pupils to feel empowered to talk about their own and others' beliefs within an open, safe environment.  Our pupils are encouraged to express and listen to ideas and insights into key questions which face all human beings as we travel through life.  Our School Values (Care, Community and Courage) will underpin all that we do.

Please see the Worship Policy for information about the right to withdraw from Collective Worships.