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Supporting Families

Family Engagement 

Supporting and caring for families and the whole school community is at the heart of our ethos at Coddington Primary School.

Mrs Hanstock is our school Family Engagement Officer. 

Many of you will know Mrs Hanstock from her roles as a TA and ELSA within school.

The role of Family Engagement is to help and support pupils and families with a variety of issues. Our main aim is to work in partnership with families, parents, carers, pupils, and outside agencies. A key part is to support attendance and punctuality. This is a very important aspect of school life, poor attendance or regular lateness can impact on levels of learning.

Mrs Hanstock will be happy to help and assist in getting the support you need with the ever-increasing challenges families face on a day-to-day basis; issues like uniform, childcare, benefits, access to foodbanks, referrals to outside agencies, even support with completing applications forms etc. 

If any families are struggling to provide the correct uniform for their child/children please contact Mrs Hanstock as she may be able to help.

At Coddington we want to work together with the children, their families and the community to keep improving the school to make it the best it can be. We would like to work closely with parents and carers and would welcome suggestions of groups or activities you would like to see introduced to support the families and community.

Mrs Hanstock works Monday to Thursday and will be on the main gate or in the Key Stage 1 playground in the mornings before school if you need a quick chat. Alternatively, if you require more time, she can be contacted by telephone through the school reception, via email or via the Dojo messaging service and a suitable time can be arranged.